Current Projects
- Guiding of High Amplitude Stress Waves Through Sterss-Induced Domain Switching, Sponsor: Army Research Office (ARO).
- Robotic Landing Gear For Rotorcraft, Sponsor: DARPA.
- Ultrasonic Guided Wave Methods for Combined SHM and NDE of Composite Aerospace Structural Components, Sponsor: NASA.
- Computational and Experimental Multiscale Analysis of Heterogeneous Solids and Metamaterials, Sponsor: National Science Foundation (NSF).
- Nonlinear Periodic Metamaterials for Acoustic Wave Management, Sponsor: National Science Foundation (NSF).
- Periodic cellular piezoelectric sensors and actuators for frequency-based steering, Sponsor: National Science Foundation (NSF)
- Multifunctional Sensors for Loads and Health Monitoring, Sponsor: Vertical Lift Center of Excellence (US Army, US Navy)
- Structural Logic: A library of structural components for high stiffness/high damping performance, Sponsor: DARPA/Raytheon
- Structural Health Monitoring Techniques for Rapid Inspection of structural components, Sponsor: Indian Institute of Science
Selected Completed Projects
- "Frequency Steerable Acoustic Transducer." Sponsor: Georgia Research Alliance.
- "Combined Analytical And Experimental Approaches To Rotor and Dynamic Components." Sponsor: US Navy.
- "DURIP: A University Testbed for Structural Health Monitoring." Sponsor: Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR).
- "Configurable rotorcraft airfoil concept." Sponsor: Center for Rotorcraft Innovation.
- "A Multi-Scale Structural Health Monitoring Approach for Damage Detection, Diagnosis and Prognosis in Aerospace Structures." Sponsor: Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR).
- "A Focused Research Program in Structural Health Awareness." Sponsor: Georgia Institute of Technology.
- "Control of Vibration Transmission and Interior Noise Radiation of Composite Shells with Embedded Passive and Active Periodicity." Sponsor: NASA Langley Research Center.
- "Rapid and Robust Dynamics-Based Nondestructive Method to Monitor Structural Health." Sponsor: Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR).
- "Bayesian Networks for Uncertainty Estimation in the Response of Dynamic Structures." Sponsor: Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR).
- "Application of Chiral Cellular Structures for the Design of Innovative Structural Assemblies." Sponsors: Army Research Office (ARO), and the National Institute of Aerospace (NIA).
- "Homogenization and Bridging Multiscale Methods for the Dynamic Analysis of Periodic Structures."
- "Wavefield Imaging for Structural Helath Monitoring." Sponsor: DURIP Air Force Office of Scientific Research.
- "Manufacturing Equipment for Chiral Cellular Structures." Sponsor: DURIP Army Research Office.